Foreign policy Egils Levits
Egils Levits sniedz uzrunu

On 28 April, President of Latvia Egils Levits delivered the keynote speech at the Hamburg–Vigoni Forum ‘Hamburg Speech for the Future of Europe’. This is a new tradition initiated by the University of Hamburg together with its partners, where every year a special guest delivers a speech on the future of Europe. The first guest speaker was the President of Latvia, who is also a graduate of the University.

Sharing his thoughts on what is most important for the future of Europe in the current geopolitical context, the President of Latvia said: ‘Political will in Europe is currently as essential as defence capabilities. Political will is needed to assume political responsibility and to act. We must continue to communicate this united European political will internationally in order to strengthen Europe's role in the world.’

We are in a world where classically autocratic Russia, with its ‘Russian world’ ideology, is questioning the right of the Ukrainian nation and territory to exist, noted E. Levits.

If Europe shows its weakness, if the Western world allows this idea of its own nation's chosenness, this imperialist, colonialist mindset to gain strength/victory, to make concessions to Europe, then we will see the next wars. After the Russian occupation of Georgia in 2008, after the annexation of Crimea in 2014, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the next invasion will follow again. This must not happen, the President warned.

E. Levits emphasized that the West has currently shown a high level of solidarity – along with Europe and the USA, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand have also sent a clear signal and acted accordingly, unequivocally supporting Ukraine's victory. ‘And we will all continue to support Ukraine in any way we can,’ stressed the President of Latvia.

28.04.2023. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits sniedz runu Hamburgas Vigoni forumā “Hamburgas runa Eiropas nākotnei”