Raimonds Vējonis
Valsts prezidents un uzņēmuma Samsung vadība vienojas par pētniecības un attīstības centra izveidošanu Rīgā
During the meeting between President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis and the management of Samsung Corporation in Seoul, the parties agreed on the gradual establishment of the Samsung Research and Development Centre in Riga. The meeting was held on Wednesday, 14 February 2018, during the official visit of the President of Latvia to the Republic of Korea (South Korea).

At the meeting, the President of Latvia welcomed Samsung's current activities in Latvia in developing the digital literacy of young people in Latvia.

“The Government of Latvia, ICT sector, and scientists have agreed and work together to achieve a breakthrough in the economy of Latvia by ensuring the availability of a wide range of publicly available data and facilitating their commercial use by digitisation. The agreement reached with the Samsung Corporation to set up a research and development centre in Riga will both facilitate cooperation between Latvia and South Korea in the field of ICT and will support Latvia's progress towards this goal,” stated Raimonds Vējonis.

Samsung Global Operations President Won Kyong Kim and Senior Vice President Woo-Jung Kim, as well as President of Samsung Electronics in the Baltic States Byung Hee Choi attended the meeting.

Samsung has been operating in Latvia since 1999 and is the largest South Korean investor in Latvia.

Visit by President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis to the Republic of Korea is the first visit of a top official from Latvia to this country. During his visit to South Korea, the President of Latvia is accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economics Arvils Ašeradens and Minister of Foreign Affairs Edgars Rinkēvičs as well as a business delegation.

Valsts prezidents: Latvijai un Dienvidkorejai potenciāls ciešākai sadarbībai izpētes un inovatīvu tehnoloģiju jomā
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