From the address by President of Latvia Egils Levits Assuming the Office / at the Saeima

Egils Levits quote

 Read the full address here.

From the address by President of Latvia Egils Levits Assuming the Office / at the Freedom Monument

 Read the full address here.

From the address by President of Latvia Egils Levits at the Inauguration Reception in the National Library of Latvia

Read the full address here.

From the address by President of Latvia Egils Levits at the Event to Mark the 30th Anniversary of the Baltic Way at the Freedom Monument

 Read the full address here

From the address by President of Latvia Egils Levits at the 100th Anniversary Concert of the Latvian Academy of Music

Read the full address here.

From the address by President of Latvia Egils Levits at the Hundredth Anniversary of the Art Academy of Latvia and Opening Ceremony of the Book “LMA100”

 Read the full address here.

From the address by President of Latvia Egils Levits at the twenty sixth EUROfusion General Assembly meeting

Read the full address here.

From the address by President of Latvia Egils Levits at the Viļaka Roman Catholic Church

Read the full address here.