Raimonds Vējonis
The United States will remain a stalwart friend and ally of Latvia, as US President Donald Trump stressed in his letter to President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis, where he expressed his gratitude for the kind letter of congratulations received in those early days of his presidency.   

Donald Trump confirmed that the transatlantic security relationship was vital, and the United States remained committed to both the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and our bilateral security ties. 


“I greatly value Latvia's commitment to spend two percent of its gross domestic product on defense, which sets an important example of burden-sharing among allies. I also appreciate Latvia’s participation in security and counterterrorism missions in places such as Afghanistan and Iraq,” was stated in the letter from the US President.


Donald Trump also was ready to advance business and investment ties between Latvia and the United States. “Latvia has made great strides in improving its business climate, as demonstrated by your admission into the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development last July. I hope we can build upon these important steps to bolster our economic links.” emphasised President Trump. 


The US President noted that the United States and Latvia had a century-long history of friendly relations. “I watched with admiration as your country restored its independence and developed into a prosperous democracy. Today, I am proud to reaffirm that the United States will remain a stalwart friend and ally of Latvia. And may I say, as a fan of the New York Knicks, that I greatly appreciate the contributions of Latvian star Kristaps Porzingis,” wrote Donald Trump, thanking for the best wishes on his election as the US President.