Egils Levits
Rīgas pils kastelas restaurācijas laikā iemūrē kapsulu ar Valsts prezidenta vēstījumu nākamajām paaudzēm

On 12 May, a time capsule with President Levits’ message to future generations was placed in the convent (fortlet) wall of the Riga Castle, which is currently under reconstruction.

Since President of Latvia is currently in Rome, message from the President of Latvia was read out by Deputy Head of the Presidential Chancery Laila Jurcēna before it was placed in the wall.



‘As we place this message into the wall of the Riga Castle on 12 May 2021, Latvia is in its 102 year of independence.

We are a successfully growing member of the European Union and NATO. We can boast rapidly expanding information technology sector and many industrious people whose inventions are taking over the world.

We have Latvian, our language, which is one of the core elements of our national identity. It is growing stronger by day and has cemented a solid position in the field of artificial intelligence. This puts Latvian language in a good position to survive the technological boom and continue to thrive.

Together with the world we are fighting against COVID-19 and are sure to come out victorious.

We are living in an age when one of our primary concerns is sustainable living and how to fix the environmental problems we have created.

We are reinforcing the longevity of the Riga Castle, Riga City and the whole Latvia.

Long live Latvia! May our national aspirations remain forever strong in the Riga Castle, Riga City and Latvia!

Egils Levits
President of Latvia’

Purpose of the restoration and remodelling of the Riga Castle convent (fortlet) is to make these premises suitable for National History Museum of Latvia and make it accessible to the public again. Reconstruction is supervised by the VAS ‘Valsts nekustamie īpašumi’ (National Real Estate Agency).