Egils Levits
Rīgas pilī ar īpašu koncertu “Kopā” teiks paldies medicīnas darbiniekiem
To thank medical workers who worked tirelessly during the Covid-19 pandemic to help our society, healthcare professionals are invited to a special concert ‘Together’ on 16 July.

Concert will be opened by President of Latvia Egils Levits and First Lady Andra Levite and will include spectacular performances by world-famous artists such as tenor Aleksandrs Antoņenko and pianist Reinis Zariņš.

To give wider audience of healthcare professionals and general public an opportunity to watch the concert, it will be live streamed on LMT Straume media platform on 16 July from 7 p.m.

The idea to promote famous Latvian performing artists, beautiful Latvian castles and manors in Latvia and beyond despite the restrictions imposed due to Covid-19 pandemic and through concert series ‘TOGETHER’ comes from concert manager Daina Markova and HDPD Productions & Dreams. Concerts that will take place this summer will showcase world-famous and locally renowned Latvian opera artists such Marina Rebeka, Aleksandrs Antoņenko, Sonora Vaice, Jānis Apeinis, Perīna Madefa and many more. Venues will include Rundāle Palace, Jelgava Palace and many other buildings with spectacular architecture and acoustics.

Title of the concert series, ‘TOGETHER’, symbolises the importance and significance of supporting each other across different professions like local musicians, museum workers, SMEs and tour operators hit hard by recent crisis. The main focus is on mutual help at the individual level and cross-sector cooperation to add value to each other’s products and support economic viability.

Project is financed from endowment allocated by State Culture Capital Foundation and will be supported by mobile operator Latvijas Mobilais Telefons.