Raimonds Vējonis
Valsts prezidenta Raimonda Vējoņa paziņojums pēc Nacionālās drošības padomes
Today the National Security Council (NSC) addressed two important issues. First, the NSC unanimously agreed to nominate Jānis Maizītis for the post of Director of the Constitution Protection Bureau (CPB). J.Maizītis has proven his professionalism, independence and adherence to principles by protecting Latvia’s national security interests.

Therefore, I call on Members of Parliament to take the decision regarding the new Director of the CPB responsibly and without delay.

Secondly, the appropriate agencies provided the NSC with comprehensive information on the current situation in Latvia’s financial sector. This information once again confirms that the national financial system is stable. The necessary measures are being taken to ensure that the interests of Latvia’s population are fully respected and that Latvia honours her international financial obligations.

However, several separate developments in recent days have shown that, in the medium and long term, we must continue to make improvements in the banking and financial sector. We must continue to fight corruption and money laundering by building a strong and well supervised financial sector.

Our aim is a lawful state. Corrupt and criminal acts cannot be tolerated in our country. Perpetrators will be held accountable regardless of their position, status or influence.

Therefore, law enforcement and financial control authorities must continue their work independently, professionally, principally and promptly.

The government must continue to work hard to identify all possible risks and to mitigate them.

The partnerships between our law enforcement agencies and their US counterparts is important in order to receive all the necessary information for further action and investigation.

I invite all of us to evaluate sources of information carefully, to stand firm against various conspiracy theories and unconfirmed reports, and not to spread rumours and assumptions. Let the agencies do their work.