Foreign policy Edgars Rinkēvičs
25.09.2024. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča uzruna Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas Drošības padomes augsta līmeņa atklātajās debatēs “Līderība mieram: Vienoti drošas nākotnes veidošanā, respektējot Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas Statūtus”

Madam President,

I would like to thank Slovenia as the Presidency of the Security Council for convening this timely debate.

We are in search for solutions for a more secure future. But we must first sort out the present. The current state of our world is deeply concerning. The speed in which the principles of global norms and multilateralism are being tested is alarming. It is most visible in Ukraine, Middle East, Sudan and in many other places across the globe.

Upholding global support for Ukraine is of utmost importance for peace and security. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine directly undermines the United Nations Charter.

We strongly condemn Russia’s aggression, enabled by support of Belarus, Iran and North Korea. Russia must unconditionally and immediately withdraw all troops and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine.

In Gaza, the humanitarian crisis has escalated to alarming levels. The priority remains ensuring safe and unhindered humanitarian access.

We welcome the ongoing efforts towards ending hostilities. It is crucial for addressing the humanitarian catastrophe as well as preventing regional spill-over.

We commend the United Nations and International Committee of the Red Cross efforts to facilitate humanitarian assistance in Gaza. All parties must ensure the protection of civilians in line with International Humanitarian Law. We should focus on the peace process and the two-state solution.

In Sudan, people continue to endure a devastating humanitarian and human rights emergency. The reports of serious abuses, such as arbitrary arrests and sexual and gender-based violence, are very disturbing.

We call for the parties to cease hostilities and adhere to their obligations under international law. Humanitarian aid must be allowed to reach all parts of Sudan. The protection of civilians is of paramount importance.

Madam President,

We must defend the integrity of our global system. To ensure that our world is not governed by fear and conflict, but by peace and mutual respect.

Thank you.

25.09.2024. ANO Ģenerālā asambleja Ņujorkā