Raimonds Vējonis
Sixteen families from Latvia together with President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis and the First Lady of Latvia Mrs. Iveta Vējone will light up the Christmas tree at the House of Blackheads on December 9.


Traditional lighting-up event of the Christmas tree will be attended by the families, which are strong, wide, active, and creative. Upon the incentive of the President of Latvia, the Latvian Association of Local Governments nominated those families among families where are three to eight children, including guardianship and foster children.


“I am delighted to continue the tradition introduced by former Presidents of Latvia to meet with the families during pre-holiday time that are a model and inspiration for many other people, because family members are socially active and responsive residents of their cities and regions. Mutual support, trust, and selfless love are the words to be used when describing the families that we often read in the applications submitted by the local governments,” said Raimonds Vējonis.


Baumaņi family from Amata region, Dambīši family from Auce region, Fedotovi family from Daugavpils, Roderti family from Dundaga region, Precinieki family from Carnikava region, Purviņi family from Kuldiga region, Kalniņi family from Rauna region, Kluši family from Rezekne region, Kravcuni family from Riga, Kleini family from Saldus region, Kabluki family from Aluksne region, Puriņi family from Salacgriva region, Rutkovski family from Jelgava, Hoeppner family from Skrunda region, Smilga family from Valmiera, and Liepājnieki family from Ventspils were invited to the festive event at the House of Blackheads.


Musical performance will be delivered during the event at the House of Blackheads and the Christmas tree will be lit up around 6 p.m. at the Town Hall Square.