Raimonds Vējonis
President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis calls on the Saeima to decide so that the President of Latvia would be elected by popular vote and the powers of the Head of State would be expanded already in 2019. On Thursday, 22 June 2017, when addressing the MPs of the Saeima at the concluding meeting of its spring session, Raimonds Vējonis stated that the people of Latvia were dissatisfied with the procedure of public administration and decision-making protractedly. It could be improved by expanding the powers of the President of Latvia and of the Prime Minister in the formation of the government and in the implementation of the government programme.


“It could be achieved if the Saeima approves the Prime Minister, but the President of Latvia appoints the ministers, which the Prime Minister has invited. Similarly, the President of Latvia should be given the power to declare extraordinary parliamentary elections instead of simply proposing a referendum on the dissolution of the Saeima. Extending the powers in such a way requires the President be elected by direct popular vote,” stated Raimonds Vējonis. He urged the MPs to propose the necessary amendments to the law in autumn already.


In his address at the Saeima, the President of Latvia called on the Parliament to act more determinedly to assure sound changes in the taxation system, in health, education and other areas significant for the development of Latvia and for its population.


“The expectant way usual for the Saeima must be changed. The coalition parties must be more involved in managing changes and take the lead in implementing the reforms. Instead of being detached and criticising, the government needs your support and involvement in decision-making. People are tired of the ongoing speeches about reforms. They want to see real deeds,” emphasised Raimonds Vējonis.


The President of Latvia called on the Saeima to ensure a clear and transparent decision-making process. “Knowing and understanding your rights may not become an exclusive thing. The Saeima must ensure that everyone can simply and easily track the amendments to the laws,” told the President of Latvia. He reminded of the proposals submitted last autumn on improving the legislative process and the quality of laws.


Raimonds Vējonis also outlined that during the autumn session of the Saeima he would present a legislative initiative on granting the citizenship of Latvia to newborn children of non-citizens at the time of their birth. “Latvia finds every child important and significant. We must do our best to strengthen and consolidate our people in Latvia,” concluded the President of Latvia.



Address by President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis at the last plenary meeting of the Saeima’s spring session 22 June 2017