Raimonds Vējonis
Valsts prezidenta Raimonda Vējoņa paziņojums presei pēc tikšanās ar Itālijas prezidentu Serdžo Matarellu
I am delighted and grateful to welcome His Excellency President of Italy Sergio Mattarella to Latvia today. This state visit is a special honour for our country on the centenary of its statehood. It clearly confirms the friendly and close relationship between Latvia and Italy that has been developing for many years and grow closer day by day.

I would like to extend my gratitude to Mr President for a valuable exchange of ideas while discussing the topical issues relevant to bilateral Latvian and Italian relations and discussing the issues of great importance to Europe and the world in general.

Regular political dialogue exists between Latvia and Italy. Our countries and nations enjoy broad and diverse cooperation and a shared understanding of European values ​​and international challenges. Latvia and Italy are the active Member States of the European Union, NATO, and OECD, and our relations continue to evolve with the common goal of building a united, secure, and economically developed Europe, where the principle of unity and solidarity among the countries and during decision-making process are crucial.

We must continue to strengthen European solidarity in the future. We are upholding a united Europe, which we do not divide into North and South or East and West. We are advocating for such Europe, where we undertake joint and several liabilities and agree on action to overcome our common challenges. It is not easy, and the discussions were, are, and will be existing. However, the most important thing is that we are able to make joint decisions. I am convinced that we are able to do this.

Latvia highly appreciates Italy’s contribution to strengthening the security of the Baltics, particularly in strengthening Latvia’s security. Italy has participated in the NATO Baltic Air-Policing Mission several times, with just over 160 soldiers of the Italian Army deployed in the NATO Battle Group in Latvia by carrying out joint exercises to learn how to co-operate in various critical situations and be prepared for different challenges each day together with soldiers from Latvia and other NATO countries.

I would also like to thank Italy very much for the active participation in the establishment of the NATO Strategic Communication Centre of Excellence, as Italy is one of the countries that, together with Latvia, has established the NATO StratCom Centre in Riga. As we see, strategic communication has become very important especially in recent years.

Both Italy and Latvia face common challenges, as our national borders are the external borders of the European Union at the same time. Thus it is essential for us to be prepared for these new security challenges, which we most often call migration. Migration is taking place in different regions, and it is undoubtedly more relevant in the Mediterranean. Therefore, Latvia is also involved in settlement of migration issues and the strengthening of the Southern border in the Mediterranean. In my opinion, it is very important for all EU Member States to agree on the way, how the EU will address and continue to address border-related issues, especially in the Southern region and in Italy. The security of the external border is a very important issue for European security.

We must build strong bridges between the Mediterranean Sea and the Baltic Sea both in security and in economics, education, science, and culture. Latvia and Italy are open and dynamic economies. Therefore, it is important to build this economic cooperation in different fields, apart from tourism, because Latvian tourists prefer Italy and Italian tourists have been keen on visiting Latvia. It is also essential to think of an increase in trade turnover between the two countries and to search for new areas where cooperation could be strengthened or created. Latvia is interested in continuing and intensifying cooperation in engineering science, wood industry, food industry, and information and communication technologies. We definitely share a passion for fashion and design as well.

The current time is essential for Latvia when we celebrate the Latvian Nationwide Song and Dance Festival to mark the centenary of Latvia, to mark the centenary of Latvia. Therefore, I am pleased that in culture, Latvia and Italy cooperate very closely with the cooperation developing and strengthening between operas, theatres, cultural and educational institutions, libraries, and museums. This spring, Latvia and Italy agreed on a specific cooperation program providing new opportunities for strengthening Latvian-Italian cooperation in culture, science, and technology. This year and in previous years, we have implemented many joint cultural projects such as exhibitions and guest performances of artists in Italy and Latvia. Cultural cooperation is a good and explicit example of our close friendship between Latvia and Italy.

I would like to thank Mr President for his visit in such an important year for Latvia once again, and I am convinced that our excellent bilateral relations will develop successfully and continue to flourish in the years to come!