Foreign policy Egils Levits
Latvijas un Portugāles prezidenti iet pa stikla gaiteni

On 13 April in Lisbon, E. Levits and M. Rebelo de Sousa at the conclusion of the Portugal-Latvia Business forum highlighted the vast opportunities for economic cooperation.

Addressing the businessmen of the two countries, President of Latvia Egils Levits said: “Both Latvia and Portugal recognize that innovation and technology will be important drivers of our economic growth in the 21st century. Among the participants today are quite a few ICT companies. Latvia and Portugal both have growing IT industries and startup cultures. We are developing solutions for smarter cities, more efficient and green mobility, cybersecurity, and other industries. By sharing knowledge and best practices today, we can create new solutions tomorrow.”

More than 40 representatives of various companies accompany E. Levits on his visit.

Egils Levits stāv uz skatuves un sniedz uzrunu
13.04.2023. Latvijas un Portugāles prezidenti ar uzrunām noslēdz Portugāles–Latvijas Biznesa forumu Lisabonā