Foreign policy Edgars Rinkēvičs
Franks Valters Šteinmeiers un Edgars Rinkēvičs iet gar godasardzi

On 25 September, President Edgars Rinkēvičs paid a working visit to Berlin and met with the Federal President of Germany Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the President of the German Bundestag Bärbel Bas. During the meeting, the officials discussed bilateral relations, regional security and support for Ukraine, as well as topical issues on the European Union (EU) agenda.

President Rinkēvičs expressed satisfaction with the excellent bilateral relations between Latvia and Germany and Germany's contribution to strengthening the security of the Baltic States. ‘I am very pleased with the close political, economic, and cultural ties between Latvia and Germany. I also appreciate Germany's contribution to strengthening the security of the Baltic region by gradually increasing its military presence in Lithuania and engaging in the defence of the Baltic airspace,’ said E. Rinkēvičs.  The President of Latvia also emphasised Latvia's interest in deepening economic cooperation with Germany, especially in the implementation of energy and transport infrastructure projects.

The President of Latvia and German officials expressed united support for Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression. The parties agreed on the need to continue supporting Ukraine in various ways for as long as necessary. President Rinkēvičs also stressed the need for the EU to start accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova already this year.

During the visit, President Rinkēvičs gave an interview to the German media ‘Die Welt’, as well as met with his compatriots living in Germany at the Latvian embassy in Berlin.

25.09.2023. Valsts prezidents Edgars Rinkēvičs darba vizītē Berlīnē tiekas ar Vācijas Federālo prezidentu Dr. Franku Valteru Šteinmeieru (Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier)
25.09.2023. Valsts prezidents Edgars Rinkēvičs darba vizītē Berlīnē tiekas ar Vācijas Bundestāga prezidenti Bērbelu Basu (Bärbel Bas)