Edgars Rinkēvičs
19.10.2023. Valsts prezidents Edgars Rinkēvičs (no kreisas) sasveicinās ar ģenerālprokuroru Juri Stukānu

On 19 October, President Edgars Rinkēvičs met with Prosecutor General Juris Stukāns at the Riga Castle to discuss the work of recent months and changes in the approach of prosecutors and courts in determining and applying penalties.

During the meeting, E. Rinkēvičs asked the Prosecutor General to regularly inform the President of Latvia on topical issues, in particular on violations of the law that may be of national importance. The Law on Public Prosecutor's Office stipulates that the Prosecutor General must report to the President, the Saeima and the Cabinet of Ministers on detected significant breaches of the law of national importance. 

During the meeting, President Rinkēvičs stressed that he expects the Prosecutor's Office to communicate much more actively with the legislature, the executive and the Latvian society in general, especially on the penal policy in cases concerning internal and external threats to the state, corruption cases and cases of crimes against the state.

The President of Latvia informed the Prosecutor General that the issue of changes in the penal policy will be raised and discussed again this year at the meeting of the National Security Council.

President Rinkēvičs also expects from the Prosecutor General the results of the examination of the legality, validity and timeliness of the actions of the responsible officials of the Prosecutor's Office in the implementation of their duties in the "Jēkabpils case".

19.10.2023. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča tikšanās ar ģenerālprokuroru Juri Stukānu