Edgars Rinkēvičs
29.09.2023. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča tikšanās ar Latvijas Izglītības un zinātnes darbinieku arodbiedrības priekšsēdētāju Ingu Vanagu

On 29 September President Edgars Rinkēvičs met with representatives of the Latvian Trade Union of Education and Science Employees (LIZDA) at Riga Castle to discuss current issues in the field of education and science.

During the meeting, the President of Latvia and the representatives of LIZDA discussed the work on improving the education sector and invited the trade union to continue constructive cooperation with the public sector, professionals working in the field, students and their parents. The President thanked the LIZDA representatives for their work in representing and defending the rights of education and science workers. "It is a great pleasure for me to meet with you just before Teachers' Day. It is essential to make systematic improvements in the education system and to ensure adequate funding. There is a lot of work to be done, both in terms of raising the prestige of the teaching profession in society and adequate funding in general, special and vocational education and science," said President Rinkēvičs.

The parties paid particular attention to the prerequisites for ensuring a safe school environment, including reducing physical and emotional violence between pupils, teachers and, not infrequently, parents. E. Rinkēvičs emphasised that the reforms of the education system should be aimed at improving the quality and accessibility of education for every student, regardless of their family's social status or place of residence. At the same time, adequate and appropriate working conditions and a safe environment are essential, as well as competitive financial support for teachers and lecturers.

29.09.2023. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča tikšanās ar Latvijas Izglītības un zinātnes darbinieku arodbiedrības priekšsēdētāju Ingu Vanagu