Foreign policy Egils Levits
Sarunas dalībnieki Rīgas pils Ģerboņu zālē

On 3 February, President of Latvia Egils Levits welcomed Canada’s Minister of National Defence, Ms Anita Anand, to the Riga Castle. He thanked Canada for its active role in strengthening Latvia’s national security and security of the whole Baltic region as a framework nation of NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battle Group Latvia.

Bilateral relations between Latvia and Canada are enhanced by close cooperation, protection of international rules-based order and historically active Latvian community in Canada, said President Levits. Latvia’s procurement of Canadian Airbus planes is also an important contributing factor. President Levits expressed hope to build stronger cooperation between Canada and Latvia in fields like ICT as Latvia has valuable experience and assets in this area.

Egils Levits praised Canada for vital support in boosting Ukraine’s defence capabilities. Both sides agreed that Russia’s military invasion can only be deterred by united, strong and credible response of the West. Russia’s aggression against Ukraine lasts since 2014 when it illegally Crimean peninsula and occupied part of Eastern Ukraine.

Canada’s Minister of National Defence stressed that Western capitals highly appreciate the policy and actions of all three Baltic countries and they are key to the overall policy of NATO as the alliance.