Egils Levits
Sarunas dalībnieki pie galda Valsts prezidenta kabinetā

On 4 March, President of Latvia Egils Levits met with Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Aigars Strupišs, and Chair of the Saeima Legal Affairs Committee, Juri Jurašs, at the Riga Castle to discuss the relations between legislature and judiciary.

Meeting focused on Saeima’s constitutional role in determining career of judges. According to Satversme, parliament approves judges in various positions.

All participants of the meeting agreed on the need to promote dialogue between constitutional bodies. Such dialogue is crucial for more independence of judiciary and stronger rule of law in Latvia. Juris Jurašs and Aigars Strupišs both confirmed openness to such dialogue.

‘This is a very timely meeting and conversation as we have to remind ourselves that we are working towards the same objective: to make Latvia and the rule of law stronger. I am confident that Supreme Court and Saeima Legal Affairs Committee will find ways to build more meaningful cooperation that serves the common interests of the society,’ President Levits stressed.

President Levits offered to facilitate the dialogue between constitutional bodies and discuss independence of judges and current priorities and challenges of judiciary in a meeting with Judicial Council in foreseeable future.

04.03.2022. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits Rīgas pilī tiekas ar Augstākās tiesas priekšsēdētāju Aigaru Strupišu un Saeimas juridiskās komisijas priekšsēdētāju Juri Jurašu