Edgars Rinkēvičs
04.08.2023. Valsts prezidents Edgars Rinkēvičs saka uzrunu "Valsts prezidenta balva 2023" sacensību atklāšanā Jāņa Daliņa stadionā

On 4 August, President Edgars Rinkēvičs participated in the opening ceremony of the 'Latvian Athletic President's Cup 2023', which took place at the Jānis Daliņš Stadium in Valmiera.

'We are in the stadium that bears the name of Jānis Daliņš. A legendary Latvian athlete, there is even a song about him: 'I wish I had Daliņš' legs'. I wish all athletes the same speedy stride as Jānis Daliņš, the same vigour, energy and a little bit of luck.

For many of the athletes, this is just the start of bigger competitions in Budapest, Jerusalem and, of course, the Olympic Games in Paris.

Good luck to you all!' said President Rinkēvičs, addressing the athletes and the audience.