Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents 21. augustā Rīgas pilī pasniegs augstākos Latvijas valsts apbalvojumus
On 21 August 2020, at 12:00, marking the anniversary of the de facto restoration of Latvia’s independence, President of Latvia Egils Levits will host an award ceremony in the Riga Castle  and present the state honours - the Order of Three Stars, Order of Viesturs and Cross of Recognition - to 67 members of the public. Ceremony will be broadcast live on Latvian Television Channel 1 (LTV1).

According to the decision of the President of Latvia and Chapter of Orders of 23 April 2020, nominated members of the society will be recognised for special service to Latvia with 35 Three-Star Orders, 21 Order of Viesturs and 11 Crosses of Recognition.

President of Latvia will present the highest state honours to those whose courage and selflessness helped Latvia restore and re-establish its independence in a non-violent way, through parliamentary procedures and Declaration of Independence adopted on 4 May 1990. All those who risked their lives to record and leave future generations valuable historical evidence about the Third Awakening. Honours will also be awarded to members of the public whose professional and civic activities have contributed to development of democracy, rule of law and Latvia as a nation state.

Since Independence Restoration Day award ceremony previously scheduled for 4 May 2020 had to be cancelled due to lockdown, Chapter of Orders decided to hold the ceremony on 21 August 2020, an significant day for Latvia and its people when the constitutional law on the statehood of the Republic of Latvia was adopted 29 years ago and Latvia de facto fully restored its independence. Adoption of the constitutional law paved the way for de facto recognition of newly restored and independent Latvia by international community.

More detailed information about the highest state honours and procedures for awarding of the orders is available on the web-page of the Chancery of the President of Latvia.