Raimonds Vējonis
On Monday, 28 January 2019, President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis will pay a regional working visit to Ķekava Region, where he will participate in the opening event of the campaign “Friendly Call 2019” and meet the representatives of local government and local entrepreneurs.

During the regional visit, the President of Latvia will take part in the opening ceremony of the campaign “Friendly Call 2019” in the Ķekava Primary School. Meeting with the management and teachers of the educational establishments of Ķekava, Baloži, Daugmale, and Pļavniekkalns is also planned.

In order to discuss topical issues for the local government, the President of Latvia is scheduled to meet with Chairperson of Ķekava Regional Council Ms Viktorija Baire and the Councillors. In his turn, Raimonds Vējonis plans to discuss current events in business with the Ķekava Regional Business Council and entrepreneurs.

At the end of the visit, the President of Latvia will visit sanitary engineering company PAA Ltd. and wood finishing company Glastik Ltd.

Agenda of the Regional Visit to Ķekava Region

10:00 Meeting with the Councillors of Ķekava Regional Council
People’s House
Photo and video opportunity at the beginning of the meeting

11:00 Participation in the opening event of the campaign “Friendly Call 2019”
Ķekava Primary School
Photo and video opportunity during the event

12:25 Meeting with the management and teachers of the educational establishments of Ķekava, Baloži, Daugmale, and Pļavniekkalns
Ķekava Secondary School

13:00 Meeting with the Ķekava Regional Business Council and entrepreneurs
People’s House

14:00 Visit to sanitary engineering company PAA Ltd.
“Laukaiņi”, 21st km of Bauska Highway
Photo and video opportunity during the event

15:15 Visit to wood finishing company Glastik Ltd.
“Dižkačas”, Ķekava Region
Photo and video opportunity during the event

For more information about the possibilities to cover the regional working visit of President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis to Ķekava Region, please contact Ms Kristīne Kļaveniece by phone +371 26417267.