Egils Levits
Apļa diskusijā “Jaunietis. Valstsgriba. Demokrātija” Valsts prezidents Bauskā ar jauniešiem diskutēs par jauniešu lomu demokrātijas procesos
On Monday, 12 October, President of Latvia Egils Levits will visit Bauska and meet with young people to talk about their role in strengthening democracy and thoughts about the future of Latvia in a roundtable discussion ‘Youth. National aspirations. Democracy’

There will be a live broadcast/stream of the discussion on President Levits’ YouTube channel presidentlv, webpage, Facebook account egilslevitslv and Twitter account @Rigas_pils.

While in Bauska, President will also meet with pupils of the oldest pupils of Bauska 2nd Secondary School. President Levits will also meet with local farm and farming business owners and staff from the region.

Egils Levits will visit Bauska Castle Museum and Mežotne castle mound, as well as modern creative industry hub and ceramic workshop ‘Laima Ceramics’ in Svitene district of Rundāle region in scope of his Bauska city and region culture and heritage site visit programme.

Media events

10:15 - President of Latvia Egils Levits visits Mežotne castle mound, Mežotne castle mound

11:30 - President of Latvia Egils Levits meets with oldest pupils of Bauska 2nd Secondary School, Bauska, 9 Dārza Street

12:10 - President of Latvia Egils Levits visits Bauska Castle Museum, Bauska, Pilskalna Street      

14:50 - President of Latvia Egils Levits visits Bauska Townhall, Bauska, 1 Rātslaukums

15:00 - President of Latvia Egils Levits takes part in roundtable discussion ‘Youth. National aspirations. Democracy’ , Bauska Townhall, 1st floor hall

16:50 - President of Latvia Egils Levits visits ceramic workshop ‘Laima Ceramics’, Rundāle region, Svitene district, ‘Urštēni’