Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents rīt pārrunās dažādus ekonomikas atlabšanas aspektus
On Friday, 12 June, President of Latvia Egils Levits will host several meetings in the Riga Castle to discuss post-coronavirus recovery plans, including boosting of employment, businesses, exports and economy as a whole.

At 8:30, President will meet with Evita Simsone, Director of the State Employment Agency, to discuss the current impact of coronavirus on Latvia’s labour market and employment promotion plans.

At 10:00, Egils Levits will meet with Kaspars Rožkalns, Director of Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) to discuss agency’s support to export companies, in particular tour operators and travel agencies.

President Levits will meet with Aigars Rostovskis, Chair of the Council of Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), and Jānis Endzinš, COB of LCCI, at 11:30. Meeting will focus on impact of Covid-19 pandemic on local businesses and their growth, competitiveness and exports, as well as envisaged support of LCCI to its members.

At 13:00, President will meet with Vitālijs Gavrilovs, President of Employers' Confederation of Latvia (LDDK), and Līga Meņģelsone, Director General of LDDK, to talk about largest employers, changing business environment and size of the shadow economy. Egils Levits and representatives of LDDK will also discuss role of social partners in rolling out economic recovery strategy.

In the afternoon, at 15:00, President Levits will meet with Minister for Economy Jānis Vitenbergs to discuss the Economic Ministry’s national Covid-19 crisis mitigation strategy: strategic priorities, public and private infrastructure investment plans and employment.