Egils Levits Foreign policy
Valsts prezidents: 2021. gada otrajā pusē sāksies ekonomikas atveseļošanās Eiropā
Today, President of Latvia Egils Levits took part in a virtual meeting with ambassadors of the European Union (EU) member states. He congratulated Germany on its Presidency of the Council of the EU, which coincided with a complicated period, praising Germany for very productive leadership all the way to the end of its watch.  Egils Levits said he hopes EU will manage to bring post-Brexit deal talks with the UK to a successful end by the beginning of the next year and Great Britain will remain a close political ally and trade partner for Europe and member states of NATO.

Egils Levits wished Portuguese and Slovenian ambassadors successful EU presidency in the first and second half of the 2021 respectively. He confirmed Latvia’s commitment to provide a meaningful contribution to both EU presidencies and work towards better Europe in the future.

On the 2021 outlook for Europe and Latvia, President Levits stressed that the first six months of the next year will still be dominated by the fight against the pandemic across all EU member states, but the end of the year promises to bring the long-awaited economic recovery. He emphasised the importance of economic restructuring because ‘2019 is not coming back, we have to adjust to the new normal and maximise the impact of EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility’.

According to the President, we must make the best use of European Green Deal, aligning economic policies with green goals: ‘Greening and digital transformation should be prioritised more, our investment policies must have stronger emphasis on these targets. We must make extra effort to make sure our democracy is not weakened by the digital transformation’.

2021 looks to be a good year for enhancing the already solid transatlantic partnership, which is absolutely key for Latvia and EU as a whole.

Belarus and future of EU’s Eastern Partnership Initiative was another topic widely discussed by the President and EU ambassadors during the meeting.

In conclusion, participants agreed that 2021 will be a big year for Latvia, as it will mark 100 years since the de jure recognition of its independence. Many countries will mark the 100 years since establishment of diplomatic relations with Latvia. Latvia will also celebrate the 30th anniversary of the restoration of its national independence.

15.12.2020. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits piedalās V. E. Vācijas Federatīvās Republikas vēstnieka Latvijas Republikā Kristiana Helta (H. E. Mr Christain Heldt) rīkotajā videosarunā ar Eiropas Savienības valstu vēstniekiem