Raimonds Vējonis
New challenges in the world can only be overcome if there is close transatlantic cooperation, as President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis emphasised on Thursday, September 21, when addressing the European Policy Analysis Center (CEPA) Forum in Washington D.C., the capital of the United States. 


Regarding the preservation of transatlantic cooperation during the time of change, the President of Latvia acknowledged that it seemed that the US and Europe were drifting apart. However, the challenges in a time of change are similar on both shores of the Atlantic. Therefore it is important to identify new problems duly and to try to deal with them before they become a security or defence issue.


“That is particularly the case when it comes to mass migration and terrorism. Equally, there can be no doubt that global warming will also have consequences for security during the coming decades. We must prepare for these new challenges and be prepared to support each other when necessary,” stated Raimonds Vējonis.


He pointed out that Europe should do more to ensure that her armed forces kept up technologically and conceptually with the US armed forces. However, progress will be possible if NATO and the European Union are united and complement each other. Hard defence - that is clearly the role of NATO, whereas the EU is much better at tackling hybrid threats.


“Latvia feels secure because it is within a strong NATO and an economically powerful EU. Progress in improving European defence coordination, especially in technology and procurement, is most welcome. Still, the EU defence will never replace NATO. However, it will naturally lead to closer cooperation between NATO and the EU,” said the President of Latvia. He recognised that the decisions made at the NATO Summit in Warsaw in 2016 were significant to that end.


He stressed that the synergy was vital for our transatlantic success. “Our common history and our common values make this Atlantic cooperation natural if not easy. I am sure that these values will help to guide us to a common future for our children and grandchildren that we can all be proud of,” outlined Raimonds Vējonis.