Raimonds Vējonis
“At a time when we choose simple answers to complicated questions that the populists offer in many parts of the world, the public and politicians especially must hear scientific analysis and assessment of the problems we are facing,” said President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis at the opening of the 75th Annual Academic Conference of the University of Latvia today.


In his address, the President of Latvia called on scientists to make practical use of their knowledge, intelligence, and authority for the public good. Raimonds Vējonis stated that professional scientific research could provide the best advice to decision makers and an impartial assessment of the issues to be solved.


At the same time, Latvia’s scientists must engage more actively in international scientific processes. The President of Latvia stressed the need to develop scientific cross-border cooperation on joint projects and internationally recognised research that would allow the name of Latvia project on the European and on the global level.


“We are proud of our young scientists, who have obtained a good education and make up their careers at prestigious foreign universities. Their success is also the success of Latvia and our science,” mentioned the President of Latvia. He called on those talented scientists to build bridges between Latvia and the world’s largest scientific centres more actively.


The President of Latvia introduced the audience with a proposal to renew the tradition of the presidential lecture cycle, under which they intended to invite the greatest minds of sciences and humanities in the world that would provide an opportunity for our academic community to find out the ideas that were driving force of the global development directly.