On 6 March, President Edgars Rinkēvičs familiarised himself with the conditions at Olaine Prison and the operations of the Latvian Prison Administration at this facility.
The President was introduced to the conditions of the prison by Colonel Dmitrijs Kaļins, Head of the Latvian Prison Administration, General Māris Stivrenieks, Deputy Head of the Latvian Prison Administration, and Lieutenant Colonel Oļegs Šteinburgs, Head of Olaine Prison.
The President was introduced to the Olaine Prison Hospital, its provision of medical assistance, as well as the prison’s Addiction Centre Unit, where inmates are supported in strengthening their social and cooperation skills. President Rinkēvičs also visited the women’s ward of the open prison.
Additionally, the President visited the Training Centre of the Prison Administration, where Senior trainer Captain Olga Maļčenko gave a tour of the facilities and informed about opportunities for prison administration staff to enhance their skills and competencies for daily work.