Raimonds Vējonis
“We must foster the values that enabled NATO to protect security of its Member States for many decades,” called on President of Latvia Raimonds Vejonis when addressing participants of the Conference “Preserving Peace: NATO’s Role” of the NATO Summit in Warsaw on Friday, July 8.


“NATO was established 67 years ago to protect the values of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. Threats have changed. Some have disappeared and others have come in place, but precisely these values ​​have enabled the world's strongest alliance remain single for a common goal in the changing and dangerous world - to live in peace and security,” reminded the President of Latvia.


“The Alliance has provided the longest period of relative peace in a large part of Europe since Roman times. However, this success has also created new challenges. The generations, which had first-hand experience of the horror of war, have passed away. Younger generations have grown up in an environment of peace and stability. They do not see war as a serious threat and are often attracted by ever growing populist slogans,” indicated Raimonds Vējonis.


The President of Latvia stressed that the world has become a much more dangerous place during the past decade. Military conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa, the war in Syria and the rise of ISIL/Daesh, and the unresolved conflict in Ukraine cause instability in Europe that must face various threats simultaneously.


“Our neighbour, Russia, has undertaken a massive military build-up over recent years. We have already seen in Georgia and Ukraine how such exercises can turn into aggression, occupation, and annexation. It reiterates the importance of maintaining a firm NATO’s determination to maintain peace by implementing security measures,” said Raimonds Vējonis in his speech.


The President of Latvia emphasized that the upcoming decision of NATO on deployment of four battalions in the Baltic States and Poland strengthened security of the Alliance on the Eastern flank. He also recalled that under no circumstances this deployment could be considered a threat to Russia. Raimonds Vējonis confirmed that Latvia was committed to treat Russia as a partner. However, But let us be clear that this dialogue would only be successful if it is conducted from a position of security.


The President of Latvia emphasized significance of closer cooperation between the EU and NATO by paying particular attention to new security challenges and prevention of hybrid threats. He also stressed the obligation of each country to strengthen their resilience to any security threat so that NATO could fulfil its tasks. Raimonds Vējonis reminded on importance of the cooperation with Georgia and Ukraine in his speech, because security in the countries beyond the eastern flank of NATO, was an essential contribution to overall security of NATO.


Full text of the President’s speech