Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents aicina veikt papildinājumus likumprojektā “Grozījumi Elektronisko plašsaziņas līdzekļu likumā”, lai stiprinātu Latvijas informatīvo telpu
President of Latvia Egils Levits has considered the proposed amendments to the Electronic Mass Media Law and urges the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee to make several important additions to proposed legal framework.

According to President Levits, Saeima should include minimum programming requirements in the Electronic Mass Media Law that all television providers should follow when offering broadcast packages to their subscribers. ‘Strong information space is crucial to our democracy and national security. Legislature must make sure Latvian residents have access to good quality television programmes that offer diverse views, i.e. content that promotes Latvia’s integration in European cultural space and keeps Latvian population up to date on the overall discourse in the European information space,’ stressed Egils Levits.

The proposed additions to the Electronic Mass Media Law would help solve problems identified earlier that could not have been efficiently resolved by means of other tools.