Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents rosina atsaukties jauniešu idejai par Demokrātijas nedēļas iedibināšanu valstī
Today, President of Latvia Egils Levits met with the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee in the Riga Castle to discuss the current agenda of the commission and various other initiatives.

President of Latvia mentioned the idea expressed by youngsters during one of the solidarity public conversations to promote democracy as a value more widely and suggested to launch a debate on establishing of National Democracy Week at the level of Saeima commissions and general public.

Similar to what we symbolically call Patriot Week in November when we celebrate our national holidays, there could also be National Democracy Week when we mark the establishment of Constitutional Assembly and International Labour Day on 1 May, Restoration of Independence on 4 May and Europe Day on 9 May. ‘Democracy Week would symbolise the values supported by Latvian society at the national level, values that lead to constitutionalising of democracy in Latvia on 1 May, restoration of our independence on 4 May and return of independent and democratic Latvia to Europe on 9 May. It would become a new civic tradition. The idea comes from youngsters and I would like to pass it over to you and general public for further debate,’ said Egils Levits. Members of the Committee were quite positive about the idea to organise further debate on the new nationwide tradition.

Egils Levits and members of the Committee also discussed one of the current priorities of the Commission, the draft Public Service Media Governance Law, and earlier comments and proposals of the President for the draft law. President Levits underlined that it is important to ensure that law gives full editorial freedom to public media. It is also important to ensure that public media have sustainable funding for long-term development and quality assurance plans.

Meeting also focused on earlier initiatives of the President of Latvia submitted to the Committee. President has proposed to change the Law on public holidays, remembrance days and national holidays and designate the 17 March as National Resistance Movement Day and the 15 October as Official Language Day. Committee briefly presented other proposed amendments to the Law. President and members of the Committee agreed that public holidays and remembrance days are important for promoting national milestones and values across the country.

Egils Levits emphasised that National Resistance Movement Remembrance Day is important in showing that although country was occupied, people continued to resist the occupation regime in different ways and kept the dream of independence alive as much as possible. Official Language Day on 15 October would highlight the constitutional role of Latvian as the official language in uniting the society of Latvia and further continuity of the state of Latvia.

Other issues discussed during the meeting included current challenges like mobbing in schools. This is a challenge that should be addressed by wider society from children and teachers to parents. Committee members suggested and President agreed to work together on raising awareness about this problem, including a discussion with youth on mobbing during the Job Shadow Day.

President Levits urged the members of the Committee to monitor media literacy in schools because media literacy plays significant role in development of strong democratic society. ‘On top of media literacy, another topic of debate in Europe and the world and a shared concern of all democratic societies is digital justice – personal data sovereignty and right to free choice,’ said the President.

05.02.2020. Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita tikšanās ar Saeimas Cilvēktiesību un sabiedrisko lietu komisijas pārstāvjiem par komisijas darba aktualitātēm