Raimonds Vējonis
Valsts prezidents Raimonds Vējonis: janvāra barikāžu kopības uguns vienmēr stiprinās mūsu valsti un tautu
Every January 20, which is the Commemoration Day of the Participants of the Barricades 1991, is the time that will always remind us that we have fought for our country’s freedom united against foreign power and that fight required shed blood. We are aware of the price of freedom.

I am convinced that the uniting fire of the January barricades will always strengthen our country and people. It will always show to our children and grandchildren the courage and heroism of our people who stood up barehanded against tanks and armed SWAT fighters.

Self-denial, unity, homeland love, and readiness to stand for their own country are the values ​​we can instil in our children and young people as an example.

Today, on the Commemoration Day of the Participants of the Barricades 1991, there will be people standing shoulder-to-shoulder around fires, which have taken part in those events, on the Dome Square as every year. Yet, young people standing next to the participants of the barricades will listen to their memories and stories. Today, a new generation is growing up in Latvia, which has the knowledge and skills to protect our Latvia. Latvia will have a future only if people who will not be afraid to defend our Latvia even in the most difficult times will live and work here after ten, twenty, and one hundred years.

Let us have the courage, self-denial, and unity to stand for our country and people! May the memory about the participants of the barricades who are the heroes of Latvia live forever in our hearts!