Raimonds Vējonis
“We must stand firm on the rules-based security order in Europe. Solving existing conflicts is essential for preventing new ones,” outlined President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis, addressing the 72ndsession of the UN General Assembly in New York, USA on Wednesday, September 20.


The President of Latvia indicated that the territorial integrity of independent states should be respected by all. “Russia’s unprovoked aggression against its neighbours is a grave breach of international security rules. There must be accountability for violations of international law for any aggressor who initiates and sustains these conflicts. For Latvia, the peaceful resolution of the conflict in Ukraine and respect Ukraine’s sovereignty, and territorial integrity is a priority,” affirmed Raimonds Vējonis.


The President of Latvia expressed Latvia's support for the UN Secretary-General António Gutérres’s reforms so that the United Nations, including UN Security Council, would become more effective, more transparent, and more flexible to have a positive and real impact on people's lives, “Far too often the United Nations has been unable to prevent conflicts, stop atrocities, or build peace. The UN Security Council bears a particular responsibility for ensuring peace. Its members, especially the veto-wielding members, should move beyond their domestic interests in the name of genuinely addressing global challenges.”


Speaking about the major challenges to international peace and security, Raimonds Vējonis stressed all nuclear tests and launches of ballistic missiles conducted by North Korea, the use of chemical weapons in Syria, and the fight against global terrorism.


The President of Latvia emphasised that we should tackle the root causes preventing us from attaining sustainable development by mitigating conflicts and acting to restrict climate change causing poverty and the flow of refugees. “The far-reaching impact of climate change on global security cannot just be disregarded. We must carry on with our joint commitment to tackling climate change so that coming generations can live on this planet in a sustainable way,” stated Raimonds Vējonis, pointing out that Latvia was fully committed to the implementation of the Paris Agreement.