Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents pateicas nevalstiskajām organizācijām par darbu sabiedrības kopējam labumam
Today, the President of Latvia Egils Levits met with several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the Riga Castle to discuss the current non-governmental agenda. President’s invitation to discuss the current agenda of the non-governmental sector was accepted by a very diverse range of non-governmental actors.

Profile of most of the NGOs that came to the Riga Castle today is family policy, children’s rights and women’s rights advocacy. President met with representative of these NGOs and welcomed their position on the diverse range of issues tackled by their NGOs in their field of activity.

Egils Levits met with representatives of Centre MARTA, Association ‘Papardes zieds’, Family Support Centre ‘Tēvi’ (Fathers), Association of LGBT and their friends ‘Mozaīka’ (Mosaic), Latvian SOS Children’s Villages Association and initiative ‘Dzīvesbiedri’ (Partners).

President of Latvia also met with representatives Association ‘Ģimene’ (Family), ‘Vecāku Alianse’ (Parents Alliance), Universum, ‘Krīzes grūtniecības centrs’ (Crisis Pregnancy Centre), LELC Deaconry Centre and socially active lawyer Inga Bite and Pastor of Riga St. Gertrude Old Church Krists Kalniņš.

President Levits acknowledged the crucial input of non-governmental sector in tackling issues important for the society and volunteer initiatives that promote common good. He also praised NGOs for promoting diversity of views on various issues as a vital element of democratic societies.

15.11.2019. Tikšanās ar pārstāvjiem no biedrībām “Marta”, “Papardes zieds”, “Biedrība ģimenes atbalstam “Tēvi””, “Lesbiešu, geju, biseksuāļu, transpersonu un viņu draugu apvienība “Mozaīka””, “Latvijas SOS – bērnu ciemata asociācija” un kustību “Dzīvesbie

15.11.2019. Tikšanās ar pārstāvjiem no biedrībām “Asociācija Ģimene”, “Vecāku Alianse”, “Universum”, “Krīzes grūtniecības centrs”, LELB diakonijas centra, ar sabiedriski aktīvu juristi Ingu Biti un Rīgas Svētās Vecās Ģertrūdes baznīcas mācītāju Kristu Kal