Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents pateicas iekšlietu resora iestādēm par pašaizliedzīgo darbu ārkārtējās situācijas laikā
On 22 April, upon invitation of interior sector, President of Latvia Egils Levits participated in virtual crisis task force meeting.

Meeting of the task force comprised of key interior sector agencies focused on latest progress in curbing the Coronavirus pandemic, availability of critical infrastructure and equipment needed by the interior sector agencies and impact of crisis on everyday work of interior agencies.

After hearing most of responsible agencies admitting that due to crisis caused by Covid-19 outbreak in Latvia their workload has increased and they are facing additional complexity in their everyday work, President of Latvia thanked all interior agencies for their relentlessness and reliability: ‘Interior sector and national internal security systems are in good hands – all responsible authorities are sufficiently professional and able to work at maximum capacity.’

President Levits also congratulated the acting Chief of the State Police and Chief of the Criminal Police Division Andrejs Grišins on promotion to the special rank of general, awarded based on the Cabinet of Ministers decision of 21 April.

During the meeting, Egils Levits received latest information from agencies subordinated to the Ministry of Interior, such as State Police, State Security Service, State Border Force, State Fire and Rescue Service, Internal Affairs Unit, Citizenship and Migration Office, National Support Agency, Information Centre of the Ministry of Interior, and Ilze Znotiņa, Head of the Financial Intelligence Unit Latvia.