Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents: Ideja par nodokļu maksātāju tiesību hartu ir atbalstāma un virzāma tālāk
Today, President of Latvia Egils Levits welcomed officials and experts of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and State Revenue Service (SRS) to the Riga Castle. Meeting focused on protection of taxpayers’ rights and a special charter providing such protection.

Atis Zakatistovs, Ieva Jaunzeme, Valda Rotberga and Kaspars Čerņeckis presented the proposal of MoF and SRS joint working group to broaden taxpayers’ rights protection framework and create a special law, a charter. According to Charter, there would be a centre or a council that would issue regular recommendations to SRS on which laws and SRS processes need to change to make the institutional and legal framework more robust.

Commenting on the idea, President of Latvia underlined that ‘he welcomes the idea about Taxpayers’ Charter and further work must focus on precise protection mechanisms. There is a need to continue discussion about the Taxpayers’ Rights Protection Council’s purpose. It can be responsible for either recommending changes in legal framework or processes to make enforcement more efficient’. According to Egils Levits, Charter must be based on Section 105 of Satversme (Constitution) and regulate the rights and obligations of taxpayers, as well as best administrative practices. President expressed his appreciation for decision to move towards more modern governance in tax administration.

President met with Atis Zakatistovs, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Ilmārs Šnucins, Under Secretary of the State, Tax, Customs and Accounting, Ministry of Finance, Ieva Jaunzeme, Director-General, SRS, Valda Rotberga, Director, Strategic Management Affairs and Public Relations Department, SRS, Kaspars Čerņeckis, Shadow Economy Adviser to the Minister for Finance, and Jana Salmiņa, Under Secretary of the State, Tax Administration and Shadow Economy, Ministry of Finance.

14.07.2020. Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita tikšanās par nodokļu maksātāju tiesību ievērošanu un efektīvu procedūru to aizsardzībai