Edgars Rinkēvičs
Edgars Rinkēvičs un Iveta Kruka

On 29 August, President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs met with Chair of the Latvian Council of Sworn Bailiffs Iveta Kruka, Deputy Chair Andris Sporis  and Director Guna Berlande. Meeting that took place at the Riga Castle focused on current priorities of sworn bailiffs.

During the meeting, President of Latvia emphasised the special role and responsibility of sworn bailiffs in enforcing court decisions in a manner that respects fundamental rights of parties, hence forming to a large extent the overall public opinion about the efficiency, transparency and fairness of the judicial system. ‘We should closely follow the conduct of sworn bailiffs in cases involving children’s rights, including cases regarding exercising of visitation rights,’ President Rinkēvičs said.

President of Latvia and members of the Council of Sworn Bailiffs also discussed how bailiffs see strengthening of international cooperation as a way towards more efficient enforcement of court rulings. Conversation then moved on to internal control assurance and measures sustaining the prestige of the professions, as well as helping uncover professional misconduct among sworn bailiffs.


Sworn bailiffs are a part of judicial system appointed by the minister for justice for life. Council of Sworn Bailiffs is the organisation representing sworn bailiffs and monitoring their professional conduct. Council is comprised of 7 members that are nominated by sworn bailiffs for the term of three years during the general assembly of all certified sworn bailiffs.

29.08.2023. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča tikšanās Rīgas pilī ar Latvijas Zvērinātu tiesu izpildītāju padomes priekšsēdētāju Ivetu Kruku