Raimonds Vējonis
During a meeting with the Auditor General today, President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis stated that the current Auditor General should continue the work she had initiated. Therefore he supported the appointment of Auditor General Elita Krūmiņa for a second term.


During the meeting with Auditor General Elita Krūmiņa, the President of Latvia praised the work of the State Audit Office of Latvia in auditing and analysing fiscal spending at the state and local government authorities. Besides, he highlighted the progress made in increasing proportion and quality of performance audits.


During the meeting with Heads of Supreme Audit Institutions of Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, and Sweden, the President of Latvia called on expanding of cooperation among the countries within the framework of the EU Eastern Partnership and use the experience of the State Audit of the Republic of Latvia for the process of transformation into a modern supreme audit institution.


The President of Latvia emphasised that the Republic of Latvia appreciated the role of an independent supreme audit institution since the establishment of the state in 1918 by strengthening the independence of the institution in our Constitution. “We see the State Audit Office as an important instrument through which a genuine oversight is gained on legality, efficiency, and performance of spending of public funds,” said Raimonds Vējonis.


There is a forum of Supreme Audit Offices of the Eastern Partnership of the European Union taking place in Riga currently. The forum is a part of project implemented by the State Audit Office of Latvia and financially supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs “Capacity Building of Supreme Audit Offices of Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia in the Process of Integrating International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions”. The project aims to support the Supreme Audit Institutions of Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia in their transition process to auditing under international auditing standards.