Raimonds Vējonis
President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis stressed that strengthening the use of Latvian language in the society was required, including promotion of the learning of Latvian language among non-Latvians starting from pre-school age already, during his meeting with representatives of the State Language Commission (SLC) today.


During the conversation with the experts in linguistics, the President of Latvia outlined that the cohesion of Latvian society could only take place based on the Latvian language as the only state language. “It is also necessary to continue promoting both learning of the Latvian language and the understanding of Latvian history and cultural traditions among non-Latvians, as well as developing the civic education,” said Raimonds Vējonis.


The President of Latvia also noted the importance of supporting the learning of Latvian language in the diaspora, thereby maintaining the ties of compatriots living abroad with Latvia.


When updating the President of Latvia of the situation of the Latvian language, Chairperson of the SLC Andrejs Veisbergs pointed out that it could be assessed as satisfactory in general with a trend of gradual strengthening. “However, one must say that attempts to crumble the position of the language occasionally and to turn its development in the opposite direction do not stop. This often requires a sharp response from the State Language Commission,” stated A.Veisbergs.


Discussing the plans for further action of the State Language Commission, A.Veisbergs prompted to update the discussion on challenges and opportunities caused by new technologies for the Latvian language. A.Veisbergs supposed that the technology-generated opportunities should be used to strengthen the Latvian language, thus demonstrating the modernity of the Latvian language and its ability to keep up with the times.


During the meeting, the educational models implemented at minority schools were also discussed, which the SLC evaluated as being of various degrees of success. The SLC called for more in-depth study of the efficiency of the existing models at the disposal of schools and their correlation with language learning outcomes.


Chairperson of the Commission presented the recently published 8th Collection of Articles of the State Language Commission “Latvian Dictionary” devoted to the 70th anniversary of completion of the Mīlenbahs-Endzelīns dictionary to the President of Latvia.


The State Language Commission is one of the standing commissions of the President of Latvia. The Commission's activities are aimed at promoting sustainable development of the Latvian language as the only state language and strengthening its role in the society of Latvia.