Edgars Rinkēvičs Regional visits
31.10.2023. Valsts prezidenta E. Rinkēviča tikšanās ar Jēkabpils novada iedzīvotājiem Viesītes Kultūras centrā “Sēlija”

On 31 October President Edgars Rinkēvičs paid a working visit to Jēkabpils Region. "The strength of Jēkabpils region is its motivated people who work with great passion and sincerity. During my visit to Jēkabpils Agribusiness College, I was pleased to hear the young people's vision of the developments in the country and to attend the lessons of the National Defence course. A conversation with the State Fire and Rescue Service confirmed that the distribution of remuneration in the internal affairs system needs to be fairer and more proportional. Although Jēkabpils Regional Hospital also faces a shortage of qualified specialists, it systematically addresses this issue, while providing high-quality multi-profile emergency care," the President of Latvia said after his visit.

The President of Latvia started his visit by discussing current issues with the management of Jēkabpils Municipality and inspecting the reconstruction works of the Daugava protective dam.

During his visit to Jēkabpils Agribusiness College, President Rinkēvičs got acquainted with the National Defence Education curriculum, which is currently being studied by about 1900 pupils at the secondary education level in Latvia and will be a compulsory subject in the education curriculum from 2024, along with the introduction of the competency-based curriculum. The President also held a discussion with the students at the College, answering a wide range of questions from the young people.

During his visit, E. Rinkēvičs also got acquainted with the Admissions Department, the Childhood General Diseases Department, the Perinatal Care Centre and the Stroke Unit of Jēkabpils Regional Hospital. During the meeting with the hospital administration, President Rinkēvičs inquired about the situation with the shortage of medical staff, as well as discussed other issues related to healthcare services.

The President of Latvia met with the Jēkabpils Division of the State Fire and Rescue Service, where the issue of disproportionate and reasonable salary increase compared to the duties performed was raised in a conversation with firefighters-rescuers.

E. Rinkēvičs also visited the bakery "Dona", which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, and the family-run nursery "Ārītes", which specialises in growing rose plants.

At the end of the visit, President Edgars Rinkēvičs gave interviews to local media, and held a meeting with the residents at the Viesīte Culture Centre "Sēlija".

31.10.2023. Valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča darba vizīte Jēkabpils novadā