Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents: Latvijas ekonomikas atveseļošanai un zaļā kursa attīstībai ir nepieciešams stratēģisks finanšu atbalsts
Today, President of Latvia Egils Levits met with Reinis Bērziņš, Chairman of the Board, ALTUM, in the Riga Castle. Topics of the meeting included role of ALTUM in fostering growth, Covid-19 financial assistance for businesses and new investment facility for large Latvian companies experiencing impact of crisis.

A special focus was given to ALTUM green loans programme and recently approved electric car financing project, both of which will help reduce emissions from Latvia’s transport sector. Egils Levits underlined that ‘stable, strategically-placed and precisely targeted financial support for sustainable businesses is crucial for economic recovery and implementation of Green Deal in Latvia. That is why Latvia’s financial ecosystem needs ALTUM’.

Egils Levits and Reinis Bērziņš also discussed international cooperation and ALTUM’s participation in Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund. Latvian government has decided to invest 20 million euros in the fund that will finance infrastructure projects. President Levits is going to Tallinn, Estonia, on 19-20 October, to represent Latvia at this year’s Three Seas Initiative Summit.

15.07.2020. Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita tikšanās ar ALTUM valdes priekšsēdētāju Reini Bērziņu par Trīs jūru iniciatīvu un aktuālo situāciju Covid-19 ietekmē