Raimonds Vējonis
“I am really proud that there are so many people in Latvia, who make Latvia better and brighter through their selfless work and love for the Fatherland,” said President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis during the solemn awarding ceremony of state awards today.


A wide range of professions from all regions of Latvia receive state awards this year totalling to 58 employees of education and science, culture and arts, municipal officials, economists, farmers and forestry professionals, public professions, sports coaches, officers of law enforcement authorities and Rescue Service, border guards, national guards, and soldiers.


Raimonds Vējonis thanked the recipients of state awards for their achievements and wished to bear that sign of national recognition with honour and pride. The President of Latvia called on those present to make our land even more beautiful and our country even stronger by joint efforts on the way to the centenary of the State of Latvia. 


A list of the recipients of the state awards