Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents: saglabājot 800 gadu senu identitāti, Rīgai jāattīstās kā modernai pilsētai ar vismodernākajiem risinājumiem
Today, President of Latvia Egils Levits and First Lady Andra Levite voted on Riga snap elections at the Polling Station 123. After casting his vote, President Levits gave his comments to the press:

‘As a Rigan, I have been carefully following election campaigns and party manifestos, and these campaigns have clearly shown to me who are my front-runners, who is second, who is third in my list of preferred candidates, and I voted for the list that seemed the best to me. None of these lists is perfect. And I studied each candidate, marked some with ‘+’ and crossed some out. That is how our election system is built, you have the right to choose the party list and also choose which candidates you want to support. There are very few countries that have such system and we are lucky to have these special rights as citizen. And I used my rights.

I believe that stable leadership with clear vision of the future is coming back to Riga. Riga was founded 800 years ago, it has huge potential, which sat idle for the past decade. It is good that parties, and their lists, were very much focused on development of Riga. That is what city council is responsible for. I think Riga must develop into a smart city with most progressive systems and its unique features that come along with 800-year-long identity.’

29.08.2020. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits kopā ar dzīvesbiedri Andru Leviti dodas balsot Rīgas domes vēlēšanās