Raimonds Vējonis
Valsts prezidents saņem Eiropas rabīnu konferences atzinības balvu par reliģiskās brīvības nodrošināšanu un ebreju kopienas atbalstu Latvijā
“There are strong traditions established in support of religious diversity and national minorities in Latvia. Latvia will continue to support education taught in the languages of ethnic minorities, as well as to preserve the Jewish cultural and historical heritage. The received recognition award is a high evaluation to the achievements Latvia has made,” stressed President of Latvia.

Many world-famous Jews were born in Latvia such as Mark Rothko, Sergei Eisenstein, and Isaiah Berlin. The representatives of the Jewish people have made a great contribution to the establishment of the statehood of Latvia and the restoration of its independence. This year, Latvia marks the centenary of its statehood and the State of Israel celebrates 70 years since its founding. “The idea of ​​statehood and freedom is constitutive for both countries,” stated Raimonds Vējonis when meeting with the representatives of the Conference of European Rabbis in the Riga Castle on Wednesday, 2 May 2018.