Valsts prezidents: darbaspēka trūkums, algu pieaugums, “Brexit” veicina remigrāciju
During the meeting with the World Federation of Free Latvians (WFFL), President of Latvia, Egils Levits, underlined that labour shortage faced by Latvia, further wage increase and Brexit are all mong factors supporting the re-emigration.

He pointed out that the number of those coming back has almost reach the levels of outward migration. President Levits emphasised that it is nice to see those returning to settle not only in Riga, but also other regions, for example, Ipiķi – a place President visited yesterday.

President pointed out that the turning point in the relationship between diaspora organisation and Latvian government came when the Diaspora Law was adopted. He also praised WFFL European Latvian Association (ELA) for their active input and dialogue with the legislature all the way up to the adoption of the law. WFFL representatives told that it is important to ensure that not only the diaspora, but also Latvians are aware of such Law. This is crucial to ensure that the challenges addressed by the law are continuously monitored.

Chairman of the WFFL Board, Ms Kristīne Saulīte, gave an insight into the current challenges faced by diaspora, including the need to preserve Latvian language and culture, and ways of engaging Latvians who no longer speak the language but still want to be involved in the work of organisation. She also mentioned the Global Latvian Culture Conference in Cēsis which concluded yesterday. Conference focused on culture and identity. Another challenge for the diaspora is self-organisation – involvement of Latvians who have gone abroad more recently in various forms of diaspora organisations.

Meeting also focused on the forthcoming World Latvian Economic and Innovation Forum (WLEIF), which will be held in Valmiera this November. Forum would help Latvian business owners across the globe to support each other and promote export of Latvian products to other countries.

President of Latvia thanked the diaspora organisations for their notable efforts in strenghtening Latvia’s transatlantic bond.

President and diaspora representatives also discussed the ways of supporting diaspora media, which is an important news source for diaspora.

The constituent members of the PBLA are: the American Latvian Association, the South American and Caribbean Latvian Association, the European Latvian Association, the Russian Latvian Congress, the Latvian Federation of Australia and New Zealand, and the Latvian National Federation in Canada.

Participants of the meeting: Kristīne Saulīte (Australia), COB of WFFL, Pēteris Blumbergs (USA), Deputy COB of WFFL, Mārtiņš Andersons (USA), Vice-President American Latvian Association (ALA), Dzintars Dzilna (USA), PR Officer ALA, Līga Ejupe (USA), ALA culture expert, Kaija Petrovska (USA), ALA expert for cooperation with Latvia,   Jānis Grāmatiņš (USA), Treasurer of WFFL, Andris Ķesteris (Canada), Chair of  Latvian National Federation in Canada (LNAK), Juris Ķeniņš (Canada), LNAK culture expert, Elita Pētersone (Canada), LNAK education expert, Jānis Grauds (Australia), COB the Latvian Federation of Australia and New Zealand (LAAJ), Jānis Čečiņš (Australia), LAAJ culture expert, Lelde Vikmane (France), ELA culture expert, Māris Pūlis (UK), ELA education expert, Justīne Krēsliņš (Sweden), ELA, Lauma Vlasova, Chair of the Russian Latvian Congress, Tanja Žagare-Vītiņa (USA), ALA information expert, Marisa Gudrā (USA), CEO of ALA, Jānis Andersons, Head of WFFL Representation in Latvia, Raits Eglītis, CEO of WFFL.

Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita tikšanās ar Pasaules Brīvo latviešu apvienības valdes pārstāvjiem