Raimonds Vējonis
Valsts prezidents Raimonds Vējonis Rīgas pilī sveic Mazākumtautību foruma dalībniekus
On Friday, 23 November 2018, President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis welcomed the participants of the annual Latvian National Minority Forum “From Integration to a Cohesive Society” at the Riga Castle.

When addressing the participants of the Forum, President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis emphasised, “The awareness and cultivation of their cultural values ​​and traditions enrich our personalities, strengthens our self-esteem, and create a society that is ready for joint efforts in our country.”

The President of Latvia thanked the representatives of the minorities for their contribution when protecting our country and simultaneously preserving and developing their national traditions and devoting their professional and passionate commitment to the cohesion of the society.

Mr Raimonds Vējonis wished the minorities always felt their belonging to Latvia enabling them to say proudly “I am Latvia”.

The Annual Latvian National Minority Forum “From Integration to a Cohesive Society” took place on November 22 and 23, bringing together representatives of more than 14 different nationalities from 20 municipalities in Latvia totalling to more than 200 activists from non-governmental organisations of ethnic minorities.

The first day of the Forum was held at the National Library of Latvia, where five thematic groups consisting of the participants of the Forum discussed the opportunities for representatives of national minorities, especially young people, to participate in the processes, preservation of ethnic minority cultural heritage and identity, intercultural dialogue, and the diversity of the Latvian information space.

On November 23, Chair of the Minorities Advisory Council Mr Romāns Alijevs and Representative of the Ethnic Minorities NGO Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Culture Ms Jeļena Matjakubova addressed the participants during the opening of the second day of the Forum.

In his turn, Sociologist Mārtiņš Kaprāns deliver a speech on the role of ethnic minorities in forming and strengthening the statehood of Latvia during the plenary session. Moreover, the results of the working group discussions on the first day of the Forum and the conclusions of the Association “European Movement in Latvia” within the framework of project “Footprint of Europe in Latvia” on the engagement and vision of the future among young people were presented.

At the end of the Forum, the audience enjoyed the concert and had an opportunity to taste the national cuisines of various nations.