Raimonds Vējonis
President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis awarded the senior military rank in the Latvian Army, Lieutenant General, to Commander of the National Armed Forces Leonīds Kalniņš at the solemn ceremony in the Riga Castle on Wednesday, 16 August 2017.  


The President of Latvia noted that the Latvian Army was developing in the right direction, because it consisted of professional officers and soldiers. “Since 2014, the security situation in the world is changing rapidly and unpredictably. It requires prompt, confident, and consistent decision-making at both national and NAF level,” stressed the President of Latvia.


Raimonds Vējonis wished Lieutenant General L.Kalniņš to lead the Armed Forces so that Latvian nationals would like to serve in the Latvian Army, join the National Guard, and be proud of it.