On 4 May, as Latvia celebrated the Restoration of Independence Day, Riga Castle hosts the ceremony of the presentation of the highest state awards – Order of the Three Stars, Order of Viesturs and Cross of Recognition.

Order of the Three Stars was presented to 48 members of the public
Order of the Three Stars is presented for special service to homeland or significant contribution to development of public, local, social, cultural, educational, science, sports and economic sector. Such contribution may include individual outstanding achievements or continuous successful and exemplary accomplishments, or special role in restoring Latvia’s independence and strengthening of national statehood.
Commanders of the Order of the Three Stars
Juris Poikāns, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia to the Republic of Poland
For selfless service and outstanding contribution to the assistance to Ukraine
H. E. Ms Susana Margarita Cámara Angulo, Her Excellency the former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Spain to the Republic of Latvia
For significant contribution to strengthening relations between Latvia and Spain
Dr. chem. Aigars Jirgensons, Deputy Director of the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, professor at the Riga Technical University, academician
For merit in chemical science, Latvia's integration into the European and world scientific community and the education of the new generation of scientists
H. E. Mr Kevin Michael Ernest Rex, His Excellency the former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to the Republic of Latvia
For significant contribution to strengthening relations between Latvia and Canada
Dr. med. Pēteris Stradiņš, Head of the Cardiac Surgery Centre, Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital, professor, academician at the Riga Stradiņš University
For outstanding merit in medicine, significant contribution to the development of cardiac surgery and strengthening the cultural and historical identity of Sēlija
Ilgonis Upmalis, history researcher, former head of the Russian Armed Forces withdrawal monitoring bureau
For significant contribution to research on the history of the occupation of Latvia
Ilze Znotiņa, former Head of the Financial Intelligence Service
For significant contribution to the prevention of financial and economic crime, strengthening of the Latvian financial sector
Officers of the Order of the Three Stars
Elmārs Pļaviņš, International Religious Relations expert, National Armed Forces Command and Support Personnel Management Direct Support Group
For selfless service and outstanding contribution to the assistance to Ukraine
Dr. art. Elita Ansone, curator of Exhibitions, Latvian National Museum of Art, art historian
For merits in culture and outstanding contribution to the study and promotion of Latvian visual arts
Dr. paed. Baiba Brigmane, founder of the College of Banking, former Rector of the College of Banking, Associate Professor
For significant contribution to the establishment and development of entrepreneurship and financial education in Latvia
Aldis Circenis, architect, designer, entrepreneur, Chairman of the Board of "Coppa Ltd", Chairman of the Board of "Rīgas Krēslu fabrika"
For merits in culture and significant contribution to the development and popularisation of design in the world
Dr. phil. Valda Čakare, professor at the Latvian Academy of Culture, theatre scholar and critic
For merits in culture and outstanding achievements in theatre criticism, research and cultural education
Daiga Dadzīte, president of the Latvian Paralympic committee
For significant contribution to the development of Paralympic sport in Latvia
Dr. arch. Ilmārs Dirveiks, architect at the SIA “Arhitektoniskās izpētes grupa”, Lecturer at the Art Academy of Latvia, assistant professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Riga Technical University
For merits in culture and significant contribution to the preservation of cultural and historical heritage
Inta Dišlere, historical researcher, museum expert, Honorary Doctor of the Latvian Academy of Sciences
For merits in culture and significant contribution to the research and preservation of cultural and historical heritage
Aivars Gribusts, founder and former head of the education company “Lielvārds”
For many years of significant contribution to the quality of education in Latvia
Juris Kalnciems, Head of the Piano department of Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music, professor, pianist
For merits in culture, contribution to the popularisation of Latvian piano music and education of young musicians
Justs Nikolajs Karlsons, attorney-at-law, preserver and maintainer of cultural heritage
For significant contribution to the preservation of cultural and historical heritage
Taiga Kokneviča, Deputy Director of the Museum of Occupation of Latvia, Chief Keeper of the Collection
For significant contribution to the research of Latvian history, the development of the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia and the creation of the museum's collection
Aija Kusmane, colorectal surgeon
For lifetime contribution to medicine, patient health care and the development of surgery in Latvia
Uldis Lukševics, head of the architectural firm "F.L. Tadao & Lukševics", architect
For merits in culture and outstanding creative achievement in architecture
Inese Lūsiņa, musicologist, music critic and journalist
For merits in culture and significant contributions to music criticism
Lelde Neimane, long-time keeper of the audiovisual collection of the Occupation Museum of Latvia, historian
For significant work and contribution to Latvian history research, creation of the exposition of the Museum of Occupation of Latvia
Andrejs Osokins, pianist, organizer of support actions for Ukraine
For outstanding achievements in culture and selflessness in organizing support actions for Ukraine
Dāvis Siksnāns, co-founder of the company "Printful", member of the board of the information technology company AS "Mapon"
For a significant contribution to the development of start-ups and the national economy
Varis Teivāns, Deputy Head of the Information Technology Security Incident Response Institution CERT.LV
For long-term significant investment in Latvian national security and cyber security capabilities
Aija Ventaskraste, Head of the Exhibition department of the Museum of Occupation of Latvia, historian
For many years of work and contribution to the development of the Museum of Occupation of Latvia and the creation of the main exhibition
Rauls Vēliņš, head of the health care company SIA "Roche Latvija", doctor
For long-term significant achievements in health care, public work and philanthropy
Dr. arch. Jānis Zilgalvis, architect, architectural history researcher, academician
For a lifetime contribution to the study, preservation and promotion of Latvia's cultural and historical heritage
Order of the Three Stars Class V
Dainis Aļeksējevs, SIA “Vaidens” Chairman of the Board, SIA “BioMix Balticum” Chairman of the Board, SIA “Saukas kūdra” member of the Board
For selfless work and assistance to Ukraine
Raina Boguža, Head of the Association "Mūsu ligzda", Ezeres Parish, Saldus Municipality
For significant civic initiative and selflessness in helping Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees in Latvia
Vitālijs Čmihovs, SIA “Gaujas koks” member of the Board
For significant civic initiative and selflessness in helping Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees in Latvia
Katrīna Gupalo, musician
For significant civic initiative and selflessness in organising actions in support of Ukraine
Artūrs Kristlībs, member of the Board of the association "Tev"
For significant civic initiative and selflessness in providing assistance to Ukraine, its soldiers and civilians
Aigars Loss, co-founder of "Tev"
For significant civic initiative and selflessness in providing assistance to Ukraine, its soldiers and civilians
Inga Ozoliņa, Counsellor, Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in the Republic of Poland
For selfless work and significant contribution to the assistance to Ukraine
Jānis Palkavnieks, co-founder of the movement “Uzņēmēji mieram”, spokesperson of the information technology company AS “Draugiem Group”
For significant civic initiative in organising aid to Ukraine, its soldiers and civilians
Viktorija Prituļaka, assistant to Oleksandr Miščenko, former Ambassador of Ukraine to Latvia, translator
For selfless work and contribution to the cooperation between Latvia and Ukraine
Māris Simanovičs, co-founder of the movement “Uzņēmēji mieram”, Chairman of the Board of AS “Eco Baltia”, national guard
For significant civic initiative in organising aid to Ukraine, its soldiers and civilians
Raimonds Simanovskis, SIA “EazyBI” member of the Board
For selfless work and assistance to Ukraine, its soldiers and civilians
Ģirts Slaviņš, SIA “Borščs” member of the board, SIA “Mobilly” Executive Director
For significant civic initiative and selflessness in providing assistance to Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees in Latvia
Jānis Taukačs, co-founder of the movement “Uzņēmēji mieram”, partner at the law firm “Sorainen”, lawyer
For significant civic initiative in organising aid to Ukraine, its soldiers and civilians
Armands Alksnis, guitar teacher at Riga Secondary School 45, guitarist, composer
For merits in culture and significant contribution to music pedagogy
Māris Koristins, ballet dancer and director of the Latvian Puppet Theatre
For lifetime contribution to culture and creative achievement in the development of the Puppet Theatre
Palmira Lāce public servant, former politician, keeper of the memory of the defenders of Latvian independence
For significant public contribution to the preservation of the memory of the defenders of Latvian independence
Valdis Skujiņš, musician, founder and long-time leader of the band "Credo"
For merits in culture and active public work
Gilded Class I medals of the Order of the Three Stars
Simona Grundule, head of the Tukums animal shelter
For long-term selfless work in animal protection and welfare
Vilnis Grundulis, head of the Tukums animal shelter
For long-term selfless work in animal protection and welfare
Order of Viesturs was presented to 17 members of the public
Order of Viesturs is awarded for special military achievements and notable contributions to national resistance and defending of national independence, national security, for maintaining and boosting public order, national border protection, development of national armed forces, and patriotic education of citizens towards serving homeland and Latvian State, as well as defending of the Latvian land and state.
Grand Officers of the Order of Viesturs
General Rustamas Liubajevas, Commander of the State Border Guard Service, Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania
For his significant contribution to the promotion of Latvian-Lithuanian cooperation in the field of border protection and to the strengthening of the security of the Latvian state border
Major General Paul D. Rogers, Commander of the Michigan National Guard
For significant contribution to the promotion of military cooperation between Latvia and the United States and to the strengthening of Latvia's national defence capabilities and security
Major General Flemming Mathiasen, Commander of the Multinational Division “Ziemeļi”
For significant contribution to the promotion of military cooperation between Latvia and Denmark and to the strengthening of Latvia's national defence capabilities and security
Commanders of the Order of Viesturs
Biruta Balande, member of the national resistance movement
For special merits in the national resistance movement
Sarmīte Cīrule, nurse, chief medic of the Ukrainian Army company
For courage and selfless work at the front line in Ukraine, providing medical assistance to Ukrainian soldiers
Colonel Jānis Leišavnieks, Head of the Special Facilities Security Division of the Main Public Order Police Department of the State Police
For significant contribution to the maintenance and strengthening of Latvian state security and public order
Marine Captain Māris Polencs, Commander of the National Naval Armed Forces
For significant contribution to the development of the National Armed Forces, the establishment and growth of the Navy
Colonel Reinis Znotiņš, Deputy Chief of the Main Criminal Police Department of the State Police
For significant contribution to ensuring the security of the Latvian state
Officers of the Order of Viesturs
Lieutenant Colonel Sandris Buliga, Head of the Pasiene Border Guarding Division of Ludza Department of the State Border Guard
For significant contribution to strengthening the security of the Latvian State border and the development of the State Border Guard
Lieutenant Colonel Sergejs Galilejevs, Riga Latgale Station of the Riga Regional Department of the State Police
For significant contribution to state security, public order and the development of the State Police
Lieutenant Colonel Roberts Innus, Chief of the Headquarters of the 2nd Vidzeme Brigade of the National Guard of the Republic of Latvia
For selfless service, contribution to the development of the National Armed Forces and participation in the international operation in Afghanistan
Lieutenant Colonel Olga Krūmiņa, Deputy Head of the Criminalistics Department of the Main Criminal Police Department of the State Police
For significant contribution to the maintenance and strengthening of Latvian state security and public order
Major Oļegs Smirnovs, Chief of the Special Operations Service "Sigma" of the Aviation Department of the State Border Guard
For significant contribution to strengthening the security of the Latvian State border and the development of the State Border Guard
Gilded Class I medals of the Order of Viesturs
Senior Deputy Ingus Langrats, junior inspector of the protection of diplomatic missions’ service, Special Facilities Security Division of the Main Public Order Police Department of the State Police
For a particularly significant contribution to the Latvian state security, for courage and self-sacrifice while performing official duties during hostilities in Ukraine
Silver Class II medals of the Order of Viesturs
Sergeant Raimonds Andžāns, officer of the protection of diplomatic missions’ service, Special Facilities Security Division of the Main Public Order Police Department of the State Police
For a particularly significant contribution to the Latvian state security, for courage and self-sacrifice while performing official duties during hostilities in Ukraine
Senior Sergeant Mārtiņš Karlshofs, officer of the protection of diplomatic missions’ service, Special Facilities Security Division of the Main Public Order Police Department of the State Police
For a particularly significant contribution to the Latvian state security, for courage and self-sacrifice while performing official duties during hostilities in Ukraine
Senior Sergeant Andris Osis, Chief Specialist of the Management Group of the Motor transport platoon of the Motor transport Support Centre, Procurement Command of the National Armed Forces
For significant contribution to the development of the National Armed Forces, participation in the international operation in Afghanistan and self-sacrifice in providing assistance to Ukraine
Cross of Recognition was presented to 34 members of society
Cross of Recognition is awarded for special loyalty to Latvia and meritorious achievements in the field of public administration, social activism, culture, science, sports or education. Such accomplishments include continued loyal service to Latvia at central or local level, high professional and ethical standards, service to society, strengthening of national spirit, grassroots activism or economic potential.
Grand Officers of the Cross of Recognition
Mr Jakub Kumoch, former Head of the International Policy Office of the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland
For significant contribution to strengthening bilateral relations between Latvia and Poland and outstanding cooperation in support of Ukraine
Mr Paweł Soloch, former Head of the National Security Office of the Republic of Poland, State Secretary, Office of the President of the Republic of Poland
For significant contribution to strengthening bilateral relations between Latvia and Poland and outstanding cooperation in support of Ukraine
Commanders of the Cross of Recognition
Kristaps Amsils, Chairman of the Board of AS “Dobeles dzirnavnieks
For significant contribution to the national economy, as well as support to the Ukrainian army, civilians and Ukrainian refugees in Latvia
Arnis Apsītis, Member of the Board of SIA “Kurekss”, philanthropist
For significant contribution to the national economy, philanthropy activities and support to the Ukrainian army and civilian population
Juris Dzenis, Member of the Board of SIA “Rīgas Dīzelis DG”
For significant contribution to the national economy and support to the Ukrainian army and civilian population
Pēteris Elsts, Chairman of the Board of SIA “Niedrāji MR”
For significant contribution to the national economy and forestry development
Andris Felss, farmer, owner of the farm "Vīnkalni" in Jēkabpils Region
For many years of significant work in agriculture and for contribution to the care of the rural environment
Artūrs Freibergs, Senator of the Criminal Cases Department of the Senate of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Latvia
For selfless work and contribution to the development of the justice system, strengthening democracy and the rule of law
Mr Paweł Jabloński, Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
For significant contribution to strengthening bilateral relations between Latvia and Poland and outstanding cooperation in support of Ukraine
Uldis Misiņš, Chairman of the Board of SIA “Avoti”
For significant contribution to the national economy and the development of the woodworking industry
Juris Paulovičs, owner of the farm "Ķelmēni" in Gulbene
For lifetime contribution to the national economy and selfless support to Ukraine
Ineta Piļāne, Deputy Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia, Head of the Civil and Political Rights Division of the Ombudsman's Office
For selfless work and contribution to the protection of human rights, strengthening democracy and the rule of law
Raivis Ragainis, Chairman of the Jēkabpils Municipality
For significant contribution to the work of the municipality and selfless, purposeful crisis management
Stefans Rāzna, Member of the Board of “Sēlijas asociācija”, former Head of Ilūkste Municipality
For lifetime contribution to the work of the state and municipality, merits in strengthening the cultural and historical identity of Sēlija
Juris Sprukulis, farmer, Member of the Board of SIA “Vecsiljāņi”, Aizkraukle Municipality
For significant work and contribution to agriculture and the development of agricultural production
Officers of the Cross of Recognition
Anita Ciša, Production Director AS “Preiļu siers”
For long-standing significant contribution to the national economy
Jūlija Čerešņeva, Head of Department 2 of the National Rehabilitation Centre "Vaivari", doctor of physical and rehabilitation medicine
For selfless work and professional contribution to the health care of Latvian citizens and Ukrainian soldiers
Edmars Grimms-Bergs, long-time Latvian public worker in Brazil
For lifetime contribution to the organisation of Latvian diaspora life in Brazil, keeping of Latvian traditions
Dr. paed. Ilze Kalniņa-Dauga, founder of the Riga Distance Learning School
For significant contribution to the establishment and development of distance education
Maija Katkovska, Head of the Latvian Safer Internet Centre
For significant contribution to educating the public on Internet content security issues
Dr. arch. Aija Ziemeļniece, Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Building Sciences, Latvian University of Biosciences and Technologies, leading researcher
For many years of creative work and contribution to culture and higher education
Cross of Recognition Class V
Lāsma Gabdulļina, Youth Guard Centre Lejasciems youth guard instructor, cross-country ski coach at Gulbene County Children and Youth Sports School
For significant contribution to the youth guard movement and patriotic education of school youth
Dzirkstīte Grotupe, Diagnostic Radiologist, Diagnostic Radiology Clinic, Riga 1st Hospital
For many years of selfless work in medicine and contribution to patient health care
Nataļja Gudina-Salkova, Chief Nurse, Clinic of Cardiology and Internal Medicine, Riga 1st Hospital
For many years of selfless work in medicine and contribution to patient health care
Valentīna Kaša, teacher of Latvian language and literature at Baltinava Secondary School, Balvi Municipality, local history researcher
For long-standing contribution to education and local history research, patriotic education of school youth
Gundega Kristone, pharmacist at Riga 1st Hospital
For selfless lifetime work in medicine and contribution to patient health care
Aivars Opincāns, education and culture worker, choir conductor
For his work in education and culture, significant contribution to the tradition of men's choirs
Signe Pucena, founder of the interdisciplinary art group "SERDE", researcher of traditional culture
For significant achievements in art and development of regional cultural environment
Uģis Pucens, founder of the interdisciplinary art group "SERDE", artist and restorer
For significant achievements in art and development of regional cultural environment
Eļdars Rzajevs, physiotherapist, Department 2, National Rehabilitation Centre "Vaivari"
For selfless work and professional contribution to the health care of Latvian citizens and Ukrainian soldiers
Dzintra Sprudzāne, Chair of the Board of SIA “Senda Dz”
For long service and significant contribution to the development of entrepreneurship
Zane Tīcmane, Head of the Surgery Unit, Riga 1st Hospital
For many years of selfless work in medicine and contribution to patient health care
Inga Ulmane, Head of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia in the United Arab Emirates
For significant contribution to the Latvian economy
Gilded Class I medals of the Cross of Recognition
Ārija Spuņģe, public worker, Head of the Olaine Municipality Senior Citizens' Association "Liepas"
For active public work and contribution to strengthening civil society