20.12.2022. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits pasniedza Cildinājuma rakstus bijušajam Latvijas Augstākās Padomes deputātam Kazimiram Šļakotam, pianistam Ventim Zilbertam, baleta māksliniecei Litai Beiris, fotogrāfam Pēterim Korsakam un politiķei Sandrai Kalnietei. Foto autors: Ilmārs Znotiņš, Valsts prezidenta kanceleja.

On 20 December, President of Latvia Egils Levits presented Certificates of Merit to former member of the Supreme Council Kazimirs Šļakota, ballet artist Lita Beiris, photo historian Pēteris Korsaks, politician Sandra Kalniete and pianist Vents Zilberts at the Riga Castle.

‘Certificate of Merit is awarded by head of state at own discretion, based on recipients personal service to Latvia. Your service has been recognised and will forever remain in the history of Latvia. Thank you!’ President of Latvia said as he opened the ceremony.

Kazimirs Šļakota received Certificate of Merit for his firm stance on rule of law and fair regulation, which have made Latvia stronger and promoted public trust in government.

Vents Zilberts received Certificate of Merit for dedicating his professional life to Latvian piano music and culture, many years of training generations of young musicians.

Lita Beiris Certificate of Merit recognises her continued creative commitment to creating and building the traditional International Baltic Ballet Festival, lasting impact on Latvian ballet and culture.

Pēteris Korsaks was praised for his documenting and tracking key Latvian historical values, thus enhancing understanding about Latgale and Sēlija, and history of national culture.

Sandra Kalniete Certificate of Merit recognises her contribution in the process of restoration of national independence, consolidation of Europe’s collective memory and tireless service to Latvia, also as the member of the European Parliament.

20.12.2022. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits pasniedza Cildinājuma rakstus bijušajam Latvijas Augstākās Padomes deputātam Kazimiram Šļakotam, pianistam Ventim Zilbertam, baleta māksliniecei Litai Beiris, fotogrāfam Pēterim Korsakam un politiķei Sandrai Kaln