Raimonds Vējonis
“Local governments face challenges currently, as they must take decisive and forward-looking decisions on provision of the most important services to their population. I am glad that Preiļi city and region have always been able to seize the opportunities for development of local infrastructure,” said President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis during his regional visit to Preiļi on Tuesday.


During the meeting with the Counsellors of Preiļi Regional Council, the President of Latvia heard their reports on their progress and plans regarding such issues like municipal services provided to population, development of business environment, and organization of cultural life.


“Crucial decisions must be made in many areas, including the sector of education and health care. Decisions must be targeted on development, even if they are not popular,” emphasized the President of Latvia. He also noted that the infrastructure of the services provided to population should be designed in accordance with the demographic situation and the available funding.


During his regional visit, Raimonds Vējonis visited milk-processing company “Preiļu siers”, which was the largest employer in Preiļi Region. “Like in any other Latvian region, Latgale requires entrepreneurship, innovative ideas, clear objectives, and the courage to act, thus the result becomes inevitable. I am pleased that one of the biggest companies in the industry is located in Latgale,” told the President of Latvia.


He pointed out that this company was an excellent example how one could compete successfully both locally and globally thanks to a good niche product, innovation in production, and environmentally friendly, far-sighted mind-set. “Majority of “Preiļu siers” produce is exported to more than 45 countries around the world for a good reason,” noted Raimonds Vējonis. 


The President of Latvia visited Preiļi Primary School No. 1 by inviting the children to participate actively in organization and celebration of the Latvian national holiday in anticipation of the first centenary of Latvia in 2018. “The acquired knowledge is the best gift on the Latvia’s birthday,” mentioned Raimonds Vējonis. In his turn, when meeting students of Preiļi State Grammar School, the President of Latvia pointed out that young people should actively involve in public life at their school and at their local government level by gaining valuable experience that could be useful later when working in public administration or in private business.