Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents atzinīgi novērtē jauno uzņēmēju modernos un drosmīgos projektus Liepājas Biznesa inkubatorā
On 13 March, President of Latvia Egils Levits met with administration of Liepāja City Council and Liepāja Special Economic Zone (LSEZ) to discuss the impact of envisaged regional reform on development of the city and how development of port and the city will be coordinated.

Meeting also focused on future development ambitions in culture and tourism, environmental accessibility and sustainability plans of the city.

While visiting Liepāja University, President was given valuable insight into how University sees the envisaged higher education reform. Egils Levits underlined that reform requires more clarity on its details. The objective is clear: to improve the quality of education. But it is also important to define the typology of universities, regional higher education needs, how to promote cooperation between scientists and regional industries, and how to transfer knowledge to various industries.

President Levits was given a presentation of operations in the Liepāja Port and development plans of LSEZ.

During the meeting with Liepāja Business Incubator (LBI) administration, Egils Levits praised the dedication of young entrepreneurs and their edge-cutting projects that are supported in scope of the Latvian Investment and Development Agency’s LBI pre-incubation and incubation programmes. Number of incubator tenants has reached 20 start-ups. These companies are active in design, smart textiles, ICT, energy, sustainability, hospitality and social entrepreneurship areas. Staff of LBI is comprised of Latvians who have returned to Latvia and actively support re-emigration programme.

President of Latvia was interested in activities of Liepaja TechGirls Community. This community helps women of all ages to move into the world of online technology and coding through retraining, which then opens new job opportunities for them.

13.03.2020. Otrā diena - Valsts prezidents Egils Levits un viņa dzīvesbiedre Andra Levite 12. un 13. martā apmeklē Liepāju un Liepājas novadu