Raimonds Vējonis
“You, who gave the affirmation of the Young Guard today, have something very important in common with Colonel Oskars Kalpaks. It is your commitment to serve your country and people,” said President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis during the solemn affirmation ceremony of the Young Guard at the monument to Oskars Kalpaks today.


Having given the affirmation of the Young Guard, young people have become heirs of Colonel Kalpaks, as the President of Latvia said. “I wish you to fulfil your affirmation of the Young Guard as best as you can and serve Latvia decently!"


Raimonds Vējonis stressed that discipline, courage, and patriotism enabled Colonel Kalpaks both win major battles at the decisive moments in the history of Latvia and become the first Commander of Latvian Army, and get respect in the public. The President of Latvia reminded that Oskars Kalpaks was an outstanding example for his soldiers not only due to his courage, but also due to his love to Latvia.